Pet Food

It's important to feed your pet the right food and treats for its age. British Essentials huge choice of dry and wet dog and cat food makes it easy to find the food your pet needs for a long, happy life. Whiskas, Pedigree and more are available below, take a look for yourself.
Tetra AquaSafe 100ml

Tetra AquaSafe 100ml


934.49 ฿

Protects fish and plants reliably against harmful substances in tap water and adds important vital components. For nature-like aquarium...

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934.49 ฿
Supreme Selective Timothy Hay 2kg

Supreme Selective Timothy Hay 2kg


2,569.90 ฿

It is thankfully becoming common knowledge that hay is the most important part of a rabbit’s daily diet. As a rule they should have con...

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2,569.90 ฿

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