IAMS for Vitality Senior Dog Food Large Breed with Fresh Chicken 12kg

by Iams
6,398.56 ฿

IAMS for Vitality for large breed dogs is a 100% complete and balance expert nutrition helping to support your dog's 7 signs of healthy vitality, including keeping their digestive system in working order. All of this packed into a tasty recipe with 82% of animal protein (out of total protein) for your pet to enjoy every day. Healthy digestion: Tailored fiber blend including prebiotics and beet pulp for healthy digestion. Healthy joints: With high quality animal protein and essential minerals to promote healthy joints. Healthy heart: Formulated with key nutrients to help nourish the heart. Healthy skin & coat: Omega 3 & 6 to support healthy skin and shiny coat. Healthy teeth: Crunchy kibbles and tailored mineral levels to help reduce tartar build up for healthy teeth. Strong immune system: Contains antioxidant blend with vitamin C & E to help support the immune system. Strong bones: Enriched with essential minerals and vitamin D to support strong bones. No fillers, artificial colors, flavors or GMOs.


Dried Chicken & Turkey 27% (including Chicken 16%), Maize, Maize Grits, Barley, Fresh Chicken (4.7%), Sorghum, Animal Fat, Dried Beet Pulp (2.6%), Chicken Gravy, Minerals (including Sodium Hexametaphosphate (0.38%)), Fructooligosaccharides (0.21%), Brewer's Dried Yeast, Glucosamine (from Animal Tissues) (0.04%)

Allergy Information

Free from Wheat

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